Jolasers for your Bendigo Workplace Investigation

Stephen Oliver
4 min readNov 25, 2022


Jolasers for all your Bendigo Workplace Investigations

Before employers can take action or make changes in response to employee concerns, they must conduct a thorough investigation.

A quality investigation can have a positive impact on the organization and help reduce the risk of liability related to discrimination, harassment, or retaliation.

If your Bendigo company is facing challenging workplace issues and needs assistance with a sensitive workplace investigation, Jolasers can help you. Their experienced investigators understand the complexities involved in these investigations and know how to handle them ethically and effectively.

They will work with you to develop a plan that is appropriate for your situation and meets your specific needs. They specialize in workplace investigations, including discrimination, harassment, retaliation, safety hazards, drugs/alcohol use on company time, performance problems, unprofessional behavior that isn’t obviously discriminatory — like dating co-workers — and any other topic you need to be investigated.

Why Is Conducting A Quality Workplace Investigation So Important?

When employees come forward with a concern, the best thing you can do is address it right away. Failing to do so could lead to legal problems for your company, including discrimination, harassment, and retaliation claims.

An investigation can help you respond appropriately and put your company in a better position. Investigators can get important facts, interview key people, and make recommendations based on what they find out.

Doing this as soon as possible can help you resolve problems before they get worse and before they escalate into something bigger. A workplace investigation can also help you get to the bottom of an employee’s concerns and help you come up with solutions that will actually work.

It can also help you learn more about what is causing the issues in your organization so that you can address them more effectively.

Investigating Employee Concerns

An investigation is a fact-finding process that is used when there are employee concerns. It is not a witch hunt and should not be used to single out particular individuals.

An investigation can also be used when there is a general problem or a question about the effectiveness of a procedure or practice within the organization.

A thorough investigation can be used to gather information and evidence in order to resolve disputes, identify problems, and make improvements. It is important to handle employee concerns promptly and to treat all parties fairly.

What Should Be Included In A Well-Run Workplace Investigation?

The investigation should look at both sides of the issue. Information from relevant witnesses should be gathered, and relevant documents should be collected to assist in the investigation.

While the investigation should be conducted as fairly as possible, the employer does not have to be absolutely neutral.

The goal is to get to the bottom of the issue and make a reasonable decision about the best course of action. When conducting an investigation, the following items should be considered:

  • The specific issue or problem
  • The date when the issue was first observed
  • The date when the issue was reported
  • The date of the investigation
  • The team conducting the investigation
  • The method of investigation
  • The people involved in the investigation
  • The information collected during the investigation
  • The decision based on the findings of the investigation
  • The documentation of the investigation

Limiting Investigator Bias

An investigation is not a courtroom trial. But, it is a fact-finding process, which happens to be performed by a group of people. There are various methods of investigation that can be used to resolve employee issues.

These methods include the use of a mediator, the use of a grievance committee, the use of a group of employees, or the use of a group of supervisors.

Selecting the appropriate method of investigation is extremely important. A fair investigation requires the people conducting it to make every effort to be truly objective. The facts must be collected and presented without bias.

Investigators must be careful not to be swayed by their preconceptions or opinions about the issues being investigated. This may be easier said than done.

Finding Out The Truth And Gaining Commitment To Change

As you collect and analyze the evidence, you should be careful to ensure that your investigation is not slanted in any way.

Your investigation should be designed to reveal the truth about the situation and to collect evidence that can be used to make a decision. When the investigation is complete, the people conducting it should make every effort to be fair to both sides. This can be done by summarizing the facts collected during the investigation and making recommendations based on those facts.

The recommendations should be reasonable and should be designed to resolve the situation and prevent similar issues in the future. Once the investigation is complete and the findings have been presented to the parties involved, the next step is to obtain a commitment to change.


A workplace investigation is a method of collecting information and evidence in order to resolve disputes, identify problems, and make improvements.

It is important to handle employee concerns promptly and to treat all parties fairly during the investigation.

During the investigation, the people conducting it should make every effort to be fair to both sides. Once the investigation is complete, the next step is to obtain a commitment to change.

If you find yourself in a situation where conducting a workplace investigation is warranted, then Jolasers, a leader in workplace investigations can help you navigate the process.

Contact Jolasers for your Bendigo Workplace Investigation.

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Stephen Oliver

I am a senior private investigator and have vast experience conducting complex workplace investigations. Contact me at